Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hi! My name is Staci Loveland and this is my first ever BLOG! Eek! I used to wonder what all the buzz was about with regards to "bloggers." Now I can be one! It certainly beats logging on to Facebook and laying it all out for everyone (even those who truly don't care) to see!

So the reason I started this is because recently I discovered the wonderful world of photography! Now, I am obsessed with photos anyway, and have paid hundreds in the past for family photos. However, recently I was stood up by a local photographer over and over again (after paying her) so I thought to myself, "why couldn't I do what she does?" So I grabbed my Nikon camera (a medium grade for a photographer just starting out), grabbed the manual and started READING!

I was amazed at how much my little camera could do after reading that thing! Who knew? In all of my adult years all I have ever done with a camera is make sure the dial on top was set to the little green play button and shoot away! If you had asked me back then (or really even a month ago) what ISO and Aperture meant, I would have looked at you with total confusion (that's like doctor language)!

I was so curious that after reading my manual (and googling some tips from professional photographers) I grabbed my camera, dressed the kids up (all four) and hit the road to try out what I had learned. Little did I know THAT would be the start of my new found obsession!